

Fridays: Virtual Tank Savvy Talk with Ben

Join this weekly live chat on Zoom with UST Training’s Ben Thomas and hear about what’s going on in the world of UST compliance. Most Fridays 10-11 AM Pacific Time.

  • Meet other UST experts
  • Share your experiences and stories
  • Ask tough questions about anything UST related
  • Be part of a great online UST community

Sign up now and share with your friends and co-workers. It’s free, fun and engaging.

January 2025

FREE webinar series
Loss versus Leak? What’s the difference and does it matter?|
January 23, 2025, 10:00-11:00 AM Pacific Time
Fuel leaks and fuel losses. What’s the difference? Each have unique impacts on profitability and safety:Guest speaker Tony Caputo of Warren Rogers Associates will explain the subtle but critical differences between a leak (losing fuel) versus loss (losing money) in this highly informative and helpful free webinar.
Fuel Leaks: Unintended escapes from tanks, pipelines, or dispensers due to structural issues or damage. Detecting leaks early is critical for environmental safety and compliance, avoiding contamination and costly fines.
Fuel Losses: Non-sales fuel reductions, such as theft, meter drift, or delivery shortages, directly affecting profitability. Warren Rogers’ system can help to identify these variances by analyzing inventory, sales, and delivery data. Such losses can add up to 1-2% of fuel sales revenue.
Register now

February 2025

FREE Webinar Series
What Every New UST Operator Should Know
February 12, 2025, 10:00-11:00 AM Pacific Time
Are you new to owning or operating an UST system? Are you overwhelmed with the complexities of the rules? Do you not know what your biggest risk factor is? Do you not know what to focus your efforts on? Save yourself years of trial and error and hear from this esteemed panel of experts whose years of experience can help you become an expert UST operator as soon as possible. Ben Thomas, President of UST Training will host a panel including seasoned UST inspectors, UST operators Jon Tuttle of Stinker Stores and Adam Sansoucy of Cumberland/EG, UST tester Don Reeves, Mascott Equipment and even top EPA UST official Tony Raia.
Register Now

March 2025

Upcoming webinar series
Learn about SIGMA and what they can do for you
Guest speaker, Time and date TBD

April 2025

FREE webinar series
The PEI Education Center: UST Workforce Credentialing and more
April 8, 2025, 10:00 – 11:00 AM Pacific Time
Scott Boorse, Senior Director of Technical Programs and Industry Affairs at PEI will showcase some exciting initiatives from PEI to address the need for more qualified UST service technicians.

Registration coming soon

PEI Board Meeting
April 15-17, 2025
Santa Fe, NM

SIGMA Spring Conference
April 22-24, 2025
Scottsdale, AZ

May 2025

UST Boot Camp
May 6-9, 2025
Purpora Engineering
658 N. Progress Dr Saukville WI 53080
Don’t miss this excellent, one-of-a-kind hands-on training class for UST operators, inspectors and service techs.
More info here

June 2025

Upcoming webinar series
ATGs and Cyber security: Is my tank gauge safe?
Guest speaker, Time and date TBD

July 2024

Arizona Class A/B and C UST Operator Training
Phoenix and Tucson, AZ
Dates TBA

August 2025

Tribal Lands and Environmental Forum (TLEF)
Date and Location TBA

Alaska Class A/B and C UST Operator Training
Anchorage, AK
Dates and TBA
Private Class. Want your own? [email protected]

September 2025

National Tanks Conference
September 22-25, 2025
Spokane, WA

October 2025

PEI Show at NACS
October 14-17, 2025
McCormick Place Convention Complex
Chicago, IL
Stop by our booth and say hi!

Utah Class A/B and C UST Operator Training
Dates and locations TBA
Private Class. Want your own? [email protected]

November 2025

Guam Class A/B and C UST Operator Training
Locations and Dates TBA

Need Class A/B or C training? Choose your state, start training now.