Georgia EPD adopted operator training rules in 2008 and again in 2017. Note: Replacement training for all Class Operators is 60 days; All card or key holders must be trained as Class C operators at unmanned sites; and Class C operators pass an EDP-approved exam.
IMPORTANT: You must submit Your Operator Certificates
Scan and email copies of your operator certificates and the Notification of Class A, B, and C Operators form to [email protected]. If the course you completed did not provide a certificate number, contact EPD.
UST Searchable Database:
Not available at this time.
Class A/B:
Our Georgia Class A/B course was re-approved in 2018 by the GA EDP. Refresher training is required every 7 years.
Class C:
Our Georgia Class C online course is approved in Georgia. Refresher training is required every 7 years.
See the Georgia EPD UST Operator training rules web page for more information.