
More Tips and Ideas for Opening a Gas Station

June 30, 2014

tanks-smBeing in the UST world means I subscribe to all sorts of online journals and publications that I sift through every day to see what nuggets I can pass along to our customers. The title of this one caught my eye: Tips and Ideas for Opening a Gas Station, which I found interesting but limited to what the customer sees and not what’s lurking underground. So here’s my short list if you’re thinking about building a new gas station.

Design for Compliance. The article above says more dispensers are better, which is true for sales but more dispensers means more pumps, shear valves, leak detectors, sensors, sumps and perhaps more leaks. Make sure that the system is designed to be tested easily.

Design for Next Year. We are reasonably sure that EPA’s proposed rules will pass this year which means there will be some new equipment and testing requirements coming to your state in the next few years. Make sure your tank installation company designed the system account for these proposed changes.

Map Your Training Plan. Make sure that on opening day your Class A/B staff are training and you have a plan for training all you Class C operators. It’s very important to have a plan for new employees as well. It’s not a one-time requirement.

Schedule Your Testing. Make sure you have your yearlong calendar mapped out before you open that contains all your testing requirements for the upcoming year. Also hire your testers in advance of opening.

Attend a Local or National Petroleum Trade Show. Whether you’re a small or large company, seeing what’s out there equipment wise can be a big help in gathering design ideas. The one I like best is the PEI show at NACS that October 7-9 in Las Vegas.

So when you’re thinking about opening up a new gas station, think about what’s above as well as below.




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  1. Make sure to have a third party inspect your system for any defects before the warranty expires. Usually at 11 months.